Bits and Pieces of stuff going on around town:
This weekend, on Saturday night the Stranger hands out their Genius Awards at the Seattle Art Museum (at 9pm), and its free to the public. Winners and runners up are profiled in this week’s cover story, and Artpatch has stepped in to fill the shoes where now extinct big tobacco left off in the funding arena.
Western Bridge has an opening tonight of their Fall exhibit: Crash. Pause. Rewind.
Seattle gets a look at two of my favorites: E.V. Day and Robert Lazzarini amongst others of course- this sounds like a great show. (Opening 7-10 pm). I almost forgot that E.V. is single-handedly credited with taking down the Bellevue Art Museum’s previous operations with her power of G-Force (I’m sure Western Bridge can withstand it).
But wait, tonight is also the opening (6 pm–10 pm) of Roq La Rue’sbrand new spanking huge ass space, right next door to their previous Belltown quarters, their October show is a group show, appropriately themed and called “Bad Moon Rising“. If that isn’t enought to entice you, there is also for the opening “hearses from Rain City Hearse Club, monster film clips courtesy Something Weird Video, refreshing liquids and hideous candy, and live goth swamp-garage rock by ROT13!”

I’m also pleased to hear the Richard Hugo House, located on Capitol Hill is branching out with their own gallery space in Belltown, very close to Roq La Rue. Info from their site:
The first show is called “The de Chirico Overlap” and is a series of five paintings by Mohammed Daoudi and five poems by Frances McCue. Daoudi’s paintings are made of moveable panels that create unique narratives. McCue’s poems will accompany the paintings. The panels will shift every two weeks throughout the show.
Where: 2721 First Avenue, around the corner on Clay Street, Seattle
When: October 7 – December 31
I have a huge fondness for the Hugo House, not only for the fact that they gave me my first exhibit when I moved back to Seattle a few years ago, but I love that all of their visual arts shows must have a literary component somehow (their main focus being as a writer’s residence and workshop). The space sounds interesting too.
If you are in Belltown during the work week you can hit Suyama Space too. I need to do this.
Tomorrow night is also Open House evening at the Tashiro Kaplanbuilding in Pioneer Square (4 pm–10 pm), where you can see what is going on in the bee hive complex that has new galleries opening everyday. The new 4Culture space is pretty interesting and theDavidson Contemporary Gallery digs are huge. At any rate, I think this night is more dedicated to the artists who live and work there, but I could be wrong about that.
A companion auction is going on too to raise money for building improvements.
Opps for Artists
Artists, here are the applications to exhibit at the new Hugo House gallery.
And here’s another little tidbit for you, a curious thing:
Please forward to any artists who may benefit from this free resource.
thank you.
Call to artists
Northwest Artist Registry is now accepting submissions for its
regional online registry. This curated registry will feature the work
of artists within the visual, interdisciplinary, video, and
design/architecture fields. Artists residing within Washington,
Oregon, and Idaho are eligible to apply. Submit 3 jpegs (72dpi) with
artist name, date, and medium, to registry@nwartistregistry.org.
Deadline January 1st.
More information can be found at www.nwartistregistry.org.
They are rather mysterious, if you get a chance to look at their news site:
The Northwest Artist Registry is a new endeavor. It was founded and is maintained by a board of artists from across the country working in a wide range of disciplines. Our board and our three guest curators from the Northwest region will be reviewing applications after the first of January. Anyone interested in submitting work to the registry should click on the “submissions” option below. Data entry should be completed, and the site fully available, by the beginning of February 2006.
Last Words of the Day:
Finally, in case you have forgotten, the Michael Brophy exhibit has opened at the Tacoma Art Museum. You can read about my painter’s crush and first encounter of Brophy’s work here.

Minor pop culture footnote: Brophy graces the cover of Sleater-Kinney’s latest Sup Pop release “Into the Woods“.
I think my to-do list is complete- time to get out and see some art.