
And just one more quick note, is The Egg broadcast nationally? 

(I guess so). 

Who ever is behind PBS with this agenda to make art interesting and fun again, I applaud them. Between this and the Art21 series, I wish more people would take notice that dry, oppressive, elitist attitudes in the art world are dead. And also drowning out this feeling that if you wander out of the epicenter known as NYC, you don’t exist. Sometimes I think, wow it’s a big sky up there people, you just have to look up. 

Hey, look: Gregory Crewdson  has been on the show! Fancy that! 

(scratch previous post, now I hear it has been cancelled. Oh well.)

Here is a brief interview with Gregory Crewdson, the artist showing at Luhring Augustine this month. I don’t think he actually is responsible for the cover art of the following album, but it sure did remind me of so as I was looking at it. Our fact checkers here seem to be having a hard time finding out the truth, but they will continue into the night, to find out who was responsible for such imagery. 


Today, was really lovely. A bunch of rain kept everyone inside, which left the streets of Manhattan deserted and perfect for gallery visiting. 
I didn’t have much time so we shaved down the visit to just the essentials. My first and last stops of the day were my favorite. I have photos up on the Dangerous Chunky site of both the Rothenburg  exhibit (at the new Sperone Westwater site) and of White Column’s new show, “She’s Crafty…And So Is He Sometimes“. 



Here is the short list along with my cryptic notes that I made on the subway coming home : 

Susan Rothenberg @ Sperone Westwater 415 West 13 Street, 
(makes me want to paint-i feel so loyal to her-i love sperone’s new space too. The meat packing district is so much more charming than Chelsea-funny being they are less than 10 blocks apart. When I’ m in Chelsea i always want to escape the moment i get there. Like get the fuck out!) 

White Columns -Crafty Show @320 W. 13th Show 
(hudson/horatio)small but fun show. And they were really nice to me about photos. 

Sue Williams@303 Gallery 525 W. 22 
(boring-especially w/ Brice Marden across the street-i did like her drawings in the back room.Unfortunatey the most memorable thing about this visit was someone left a Cocker Spaniel in the front of the gallery-and as I was leaving the poor thing began vomiting profusely. 

Arturo Herrera@ Brent Sikma 530 W.22nd 
(smart but some pieces almost felt gimmicky. I loved the smell walking into the gallery though, of fresh paint. Nothing can beat that for me) 
Carol Durham@ Metro Pictures 519 W. 24th 
(same old schtick, its too bad-once after seeing a show of his crayon drawings in Soho years ago I was so inspired I ran over to Pearl Paint and bought some of my own. ) 

Andrea Zittel @Andrea Rosen 525 W. 24th 
(beautitiful/inventive/love her color/sense of economy/ love her work) Andrea Zittel always makes spaces in spaces that make me think of spaces I had dreamed up as a child. And there is such a sense of necocnomy with her material, nothing is wasted. I have never seen a show of hers I haven’t like. The last show she had at AR, three years ago, really appealed to me, where she was addressing time and activity. But this today was wonderful too. 

Gregory Crewdson 
(Yo La Tenga album cover art? Lynchian-moody -pieces, I really liked these photographs, I gave them my full attention. ) That was unfortunately the most packed gallery I visited. I do not get the concept of the group gallery visit. Why. 

Richard Prince@ Barbara Gladstone 515 W. 24 
(identity crisis-too much jasper johns? I liked that last batch of paintings Richard Prince did when he returned to expressionism but now he seems to be emulating early career Jasper Johns, they were slightly appealing but so lacking in originality that I just had to shake my head) 


I have a feeling that will be my last opportunity to get to the galleries. I have so much to do and see in the next week and unfortunately, like sands through an hour glass, these are the days of my life. Even though I dread going to Chelsea, I will miss seeing the art. Something I have thought about a lot in the past six months, that is for certain. 

After all my sneaking around last year with my camera, I found that most galleries are really nice about letting you document work if you only ask. Today everyone was just lovely.