
(Editorial post-script from the future: a completely weird aspect of keeping this blog was on that day it was my only communication device. The phones were dead but my sisters on the West Coast could see my posts and knew I was okay)

I don’t need to state what a horrific day this has turned out to be.
I feel somehow stuck in a surreal state of disbelief.

What started as a “honey,come look at the TV, the World Trade Center is on fire” yell, turned minutes later to a horrifying reality of the other Tower exploding and catching on fire right on live TV.

We both ran out on the street to see what was going on. From our block was a perfect vantage point to see smoke billowing off the top of the two towers. It become fairly obvious at this point that the incident was not a random coincidence. My sidekick here talked me out of trying to go to work.

A friend called a bit later to see if we were okay during the moment the first tower collapsed. Completely unbelievable. I can’t even fathom. And then the second one went. Our neighbor had stepped inside to grab his camera when the second tower fell. And with all the subways shut down and phone service not functioning,and the chaos on the TV, it has located me somewhere between shock and complete disbelief.

4:30PM They are now releasing amateur video of people that were on the scene as this all occurred and this is where it becomes unbearable.


I am in shock.


Both towers are gone now.


Holy Shit!


It’s too early to tell what the hell is going on (jesus christ-suicide bombings?) but here is a photo seen from my block, of the smoke pouring out of the World Trade Towers across the water in Manhattan just a few seconds ago. The subways have been shut down for the time and the city has been declared into a state of emergency.

towers_b towers_h towers_l towers_o towers_q towers_s


(I had started the day in typical fashion, posting trivial information)




“A girl with other goals can only stand the 9 to 5 routine for so long before it breaks her…..”

Unfortunately Scraps of Paper has witnessed the cold harsh reality we now have to consider our life.


But on to more pleasant things…
Al Hoff has updated her ThriftSCORE site (the outgrowth of her long running ThriftSCORE zine) with some new scribblings. Check out what the queen of thrifting has to say about the curios in her Pittsburgh life.

“Al Hoff walked it, talked it. She has every K-tel record made”.


I like this cheery photo-site podular.net from Melbourne. They’re just getting into spring down there.

While I am praying for the advent of sweater weather,Peta writes:

” it seems that spring just could be right around the corner. the weathers warming up, birds are chirping and leaves sprouting. i don’t know why i’ve found this winter to be so cold, it’s nothing compared to other places around the globe.”