Good morning, I am drinking coffee, eating a bagel and posting this from San Francisco, my experiment for the weekend.
I had the opportunity to visit SFMOMA yesterday, the Beautiful Losers show at YB Gardens and I saw so much art that I thought my head would explode, which is exactly what I wanted and needed. I hadn’t been to SF MoMa since the first year they opened their new building (1995?) so I had forgotten how fantastic it was. Lots of art- only $10.00. The collection is fantastic and very thorough, not just little smidgens of this or that.
There is a Robert Gober landscape installation that was originally exhibited at Dia I think back in 1992 that I finally got see (In my first trip to New York we arrived before Dia opened that day and I never saw it) and the Pop Show that is coming down in a few days was largely impressive. The beauty of this museum is their collection has not of course neglected the West Coast. I saw my first Jess. Ed Ruscha is looking real good. There is a Kienholz in the Pop show directly across the room from the Thiebauds that made my day.
The Beautiful Losers show was an exuberant exhibit of youth culture. I went mainly to see the Margaret Kilgallen and there are many works in the show that compliment her style well.
Anyway, I am punchy from walking all over from here to creation in what I deemed a kind of hot day for San Francisco yesterday.
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- Are they still thin on Diebenkorns? When I was last there they had only one up.Comment by Tyler Green — 9/20/2004 @ 3:05 pm
- Yes, SFMOMA still thin in Diebenkorns, there were only two. We only get two Parks as well.Comment by Carolyn — 9/21/2004 @ 6:40 am