Hell, I’d take their money! Big tobacco takes mercy on the Seattle art scene and forks it over. Lucky Strike was the proud sponsor of the newly anointed Genius Awards as well, and really what comes around goes around. How many art school all nighters do you think were supplied by the youth potion of cigarettes and coffee?
Sometimes the world of blogging takes on the odd qualities of say A Wrinkle In Time or maybe a Twilight Zone episode, where you feel the world is very abbreviated. Hence the feeling I got from downloading Hinke’s site today and noticing a small crayon drawing floating under her 2.03 entry.
Hinke is really great. She emailed me a couple of years ago and asked me why I was not making art. I can’t remember the context or how the source of topic arose or even better yet what response I gave, but now it is nice to say, never mind!