Artnet led off yesterday with a hat tip to the Beautiful Losers show which comes down soon in San Francisco. I finally looked at the catalogue for this show yesterday in a bookstore as YBCA didn’t have them out when I was visiting. If it wasn’t such a chunk of change I would want one for myself. It does a good job of capturing a nice fragment of what the show is all about. I was thinking, if I saw this show ten years ago, I would have gone ape-ship and thought this was it, but the good news is there was still enough meaty stuff in it to really sink your teeth into, even if you are getting jaded and kind of sick of youth culture.
Anyway, circling around California I notice the mysterious Fools Foundation has finally mounted a show. I ‘ll have to find out what that is about. I have no idea why I have become obsessed with finding what this place is all about.
One last tidbit about Northern California- as airport art seems to be getting noted this week, Sacramento International Airport put more than $1.4 million in public art into their new terminal. There is one piece I particularly liked by Brian Goggin, called Samson– a construction of over 700 pieces of lost luggage. This might be old news- the installation went up in 1999, but I had never seen it before. There are more sculptural projects to be seen at his website.
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Meanwhile, back at the ranch here, I forgot it was First Thursday last night. I am not sure what that means much any more though as a lot of galleries are running openings now independently of the night. I haven’t been to the galleries for a bit.
Interesting aside, now that Mount St. Helen’s is making a ruckus again, we seem to have a sudden recognition of Mountain shows around town.
Also, you have one more week to catch the Possessed show at Western Bridge and then they are shutting down for about a month before opening up again for a show in conjunction with the Henry Gallery called WOW (The Work of the Work).