Insomnia and coffee at 4am, begets MINDLESS surfing. Quick update in the world of links I have neglected:
Feeling very loyal to my old favorite websites; Esa updates 8.04. While I was there, I ‘d never caught her 11/03 entry on gallery slavedom:
And while on the subject of things that are making me cranky – who ever told every artists in the world that they should come and make art in New York? Sitting at the front desk of a street level gallery in Chelsea will quickly make you realize how receptionists at galleries got so icey in the first place. I clock about 10 inquiries from artists who walk in the door per 4 hour stretch. It is impossible to know what these people are clutching in their portfolios and slide sheets – so better just to send them all packing. Sad but true.
Wondering what has happened to metascene he usually has a good call or two. There are always his links which I shamelessly modeled my own after.
Eric Doeringer. Busy!
Mat snarks about Martin Kersels, hates the Monet show in Las Vegas and is in the DVD Art City.
George Saunders tips his author hat in the direction of Slate via PRKA.
Slate also runs a little story on museum security in light of the Munch theft.
Franklin’s excellent posting on organization should probably be read by myself a few more times. Yet I also suspiciously know if I am all caught up in that realm that not much else is getting done. There are only so many hours in the day and I always say my piece of the pie chart is getting pretty hacked at. Unfortunately I could post a similar photo of a paper mess. Yeah, add that to the lengthy list of things they should take a stab at teaching in school.
Curiouser and curiouser, absolutearts has their own art weblog portal. Maybe only news to me, but an interesting addition to their site.
Caryn has consolidated and posting frequently on Art.bloggingLA. I gladly take her side in the Dekooning debate (see 8.23). Lots of stuff, always enticing going on in L.A. points us to Iceland Review which we’ve been meaning to search out again. We love Iceland! In their art and design we learn Reykjavík boasts a new contemporary art center called Safn.
Get me off this thing. Night.