The P.I. finally weighs in on the Gallagher show.
I have to agree with the critique about how crowded the show is hung.
They did the same thing last summer in their Crosscurrents show, hanging works by Matthew Ritchie and Inka Essenhigh salon style so you couldn’t even see the paintings. It was pretty frustrating. The show single handedly redeemed its self for me though when I walked into the main gallery and came face to face unknowingly with one of my favorites: Neo Rauch.
Speaking of Neo Rauch, something strange is going on with this German painter as little exhibits across America sneak his work in. Next week at theJoslyn Museum in Omaha Nebraska opens its show Fabulism showcasing the work of “five painters — Carroll Dunham, Ellen Gallagher, Chris Ofili, Neo Rauch, and Matthew Ritchie”. This makes me want to go to Omaha!
It’s raining like crazy today, a good day to do the huddle with the paint brushes.