This is the last Saturday to see many exhibits around town before they come down for the next round starting next Thursday.
I’d like to mention if you are down in the Pioneer Square area today to stop by Shift Studio to see the last day of Joni Papp’s prints, they’ll be open until 5pm.
This September I was an unofficial interloper and had an exhibit at the space, but as of November I will be officially a member of the collaborative- come see us this Thursday when we have a group showto kick off the new members. Starting next week the space will be open both Fridays and Saturdays from 12-5pm.
Someone asked me if it would now seems like a conflict of interest to write about Shift activities as I obviously have an biased interest. However since there is already a predisposition and focus on my own artwork here, I imagine people already realize this corner of the web reflects that. Besides there are going to be some fantastic exhibits coming up that people should know about— so stay tuned!
Shift Collaborative Art Studio is pleased to introduce the work of seven new members. For the month of NovemberCrystal Anderson, Michelle Forsyth, Kevin Haas, Elise Richman, Carolyn Zick, Donna Stack and Andrew Kaufman will exhibit representative works in various media including photographic prints, drawings, video installation and paintings.
The opening reception on 5:00-8:00 PM, Thursday,November 3rd will provide an opportunity for the participating artists and other members of Shift to meet the public and discuss their work.