Kiki Smith

If you were to force me to pick just one artist to call my favorite the clear winner would be Kiki Smith. Kiki Smith and the Pursuit of Beauty in a Notably Unbeautiful Age. Her persistence and humility for the win. I’ve always admired her ability to not let the work become ham-fisted narratives. “For Read the full post…

The photos of Soichi Sunami at Cascadia Art Museum

Just back from the little museum that could, Cascadia located in Edmonds. An absolutely gorgeous photography exhibit is currently the main attraction, showcasing the work by photographer Soichi Sunami who I had not heard of before stepping foot into the show today. The exhibit is appropriately titled Invocation of Beauty, The Life and Photography of Soichi Sunami. Cascadia focuses Read the full post…

Being Nauman

[27-year old Nauman’s contortions…..] A continued meditation on Bruce Nauman while it is still in my head. Waking up with my coffee and reading the handful of articles on Nauman this morning gave me pause. The coverage is in support of the current retrospective of his work up at The Museum of Modern Art right Read the full post…

Circling Around A Figure

I’ve been hard on myself this week, watching myself spiral around the studio but finding ways to procrastinate. I finally sorted long languishing tools yesterday and took a very full car load to Value Village. Things I couldn’t tell what they were, things I would never use. I am waiting I think. And this morning Read the full post…

Utopia – Over and Out

As noted in Charles Pierce LeWarne’s book Utopias in Puget Sound 1885 – 1915, in 1898 the little burg of Edison, WA became the National Headquarters of The Brotherhood of the Co-operative Commonwealth, with the BCC hoping to establish a socialist colony.  It was a short lived but hopeful measure with membership rising to 3,558 Read the full post…

Lois Dodd

JS: There is a confidence and singularity that characterizes your path, especially your choice of subject matter. How have you been able to maintain this? LD: Well, you are always influenced by the people around you. How do you find out who you are if it isn’t from other people? But painting may be the only thing Read the full post…

Seattle Art Fair 2018

All art fairs are overwhelming, this one is no exception (Seattle Art Fair). 1 Room across the expansive Century Link parking lot gets my vote for the best stop of the evening.   Seattle Art Fair runs August 2 – 5 at Century Link Field. Friday, August 3,11:00am – 8:00pm Saturday, August 4,11:00am – 7:00pm Read the full post…

One Minute of Doubt

It’s Friday, finally the end of a very long stretch of employment work. I don’t know why this is resonating today. Carsten Höller, One Minute of Doubt (loop) Carsten Höller used money from the exhibition budget to buy an old car, a Mercedes station wagon. He had the car covered with stickers that read “The Read the full post…

The Flag

I always think to Diane Arbus when I consider the American flag. Maybe due to the era of when they were taken they seem more authentic to me. Maybe the earnestness in the portraits gets to me. Yes thinking about the flag today when our political landscape is changing rapidly.   This one by photographer Read the full post…

Amy Sillman on Painting

Here’s possibly my favorite explanation about the what of painting. From the recently published Amy Sillman the All-Over. Excerpt from: Interview with Amy Sillman, Fabian Schöneich, December 2016 AS: Yes, people are always asking what paintings  mean− I responded by staging a joke*. I don’t really think you can understand a painting by reading about Read the full post…