The end of art – or just First Thursday?

Here is an odd-ball lecture competing against First Thursday activities in Seattle this evening. The Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute is presenting their 2005 Psychoanalysis in Everyday Life Lecture by art critic Donald Kuspit.

“SPSI is honored to present Donald Kuspit, Ph.D., one of America’s most distinguished art critics. In addition to his numerous publications, awards, and accomplishments, Dr. Kuspit is professor of art and philosophy at Stony Brook University in New York, a contributing editor to Artforum, and has completed the course of study at the Psychoanalytic Institute of the New York University Medical Center.”

Relish the subject matter or not, the title of Kuspit’s last book The End of Art seems a little over the top (or worst beaten to death:”the sky is falling, no never mind painting has just died again”). However, how often is there the opportunity to hear what an intellectual heavy weight like Kuspit has to say in our own back yard?

Relish the subject matter or not, the title of Kuspit’s last book The End of Art seems a little over the top (or worst beaten to death:”the sky is falling, no never mind painting has just died again”). However, how often is there the opportunity to hear what an intellectual heavy weight like Kuspit has to say in our own back yard?

The lecture takes place at 7:30 P.M. on Thursday, December 1 in Kane Hall,Room 120, on the campus of the University of Washington.The event is free and open to the public co-sponsored by the University of Washington Division of Art History. It is the fourth in the annual “Psychoanalysis in Everyday Life” lecture series, established by Felice and Pierre Loebel, M.D., focusing on the ways that psychodynamic concepts can inform, illuminate and influence everyday life.

Kuspit has also produced a large coffee table book in 1998 on Chihuly. Large grains of salt will be offered at lecture door.


In other parts of town, galleries across town (whose real competition will actually be the rain) will be open late tonight for First Thursday parties. One of everyone’s favorite- Fay Jones has an opening at at Grover/Thurston Gallery.

Jim Demetre asks on artdish’s forums:

Is there any artist in Seattle more admired and critically acclaimed than painter Faye Jones? None come to mind.
Head down to Occidental Square to see what she is up to at present. If any of you readers care to let the rest of us in on what these paintings are about, I can guarantee that an interesting debate will ensue. I have some ideas of my own, as you might suspect.

also in the area:

Art Patch Gallery presents:Tea Room: Far And Distant Places

An illuminated installation of works on paper and other mixed media work by Singapore-born Seattle-based mixed media artist Heinrich Toh. Inspired by memories of culture and tradition, Toh examines identity, displacement and assimilation that comes from relocation and travel.

Tashiro Kaplan Building
306 South Washington St, Suite 102

and many other exhibits opening up including Jeffrey Mitchell at James Harris that I am curious about.

if you are in the Tashiro Kaplan Building tonight, come up to the second floor to say hi to everyone at the Shift Studio as we kick off our New Members opening- right across the way from Art Patch.